The Afterlife of Donne’s Sermon at the Dedication of Trinity Chapel

Donne’s sermon preached at the Consecration of Trinity Chapel was published shortly after May 22, 1623, at the request, according to Donne’s dedicatory Preface, of the Honorable Society of Lincoln’s Inn. It was republished three times in Donne’s lifetime.
To the
Masters of the Bench,
and the rest of the Honourable Societie of
Lincolnes Inne.
It pleased you to exercise your interest in me, and to express your favour to mee, in inviting mee to preach this Sermon: and it hath pleased you to doe both over againe, in inviting me to publish it. To this latter service I was the more inclinable, because, though in it I had no occasion to handle any matter of Controversie between us, and those of the Romane Perswasion, yet the whole body and frame of the Sermon, is opposed against one pestilent calumny of theirs, that wee have cast off all distinction of places, and of dayes, and all outward meanes of assisting the devotion of the Congregation. For this use, I am not sorry that it is made publique, for I shall never bee sorry to appeare plainly, and openly, and directly, without disguise or midificaiton, in the vindicating of our Church from the imputations and calumnies of that Adversary. If it had no publique use, yet I should satisfie my selfe in this, that it is done in obedience to that, which you may call your Request, but I shall call your Commandement upon
Your very humble Servant in Christ Jesus.
John Donne
The first edition of this sermon, STC 7039, bears the title
Encaenia. THE FEAST OF DEDICATION. CELEBRATED AT LINCOLNES INNE, in a Sermon there vpon Ascension day, 1623. At the Dedication of a new Chappell there, Consecrated by the Right Reuerend Father in God, the Bishop of LONDON. It was printed for the bookseller Thomas Jones, to be sold “at his Shop in the Strand, at the blacke Rauen, neere vnto Saint Clements Church.”
The second edition, STC 7057, was also published in 1623, together with two other semons by Donne.

It bears the title Three sermons vpon speciall occasions preached by Iohn Donne Deane of St Pauls London.
It includes, in addition to Donne’s Encaenia Sermon, his sermon delivered at Paul’s Cross on September 15th, 1622, in defense of King James’ Directions for Preachers and his sermon preached to the Virginia Company on November 30th, 1622. This volume was also “Printed for Thomas Iones, and are to be sold at his shop in the Strand at the Blacke Rauen neere St. Clements Church, 1623.”

The second reprint (STC 7042) bears the title Foure sermons vpon speciall occasions. 1. A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse. 2. To the Honorable, the Virginia Company. 3. At the consecration of Lincolnes Inne Chappell. 4. The first sermon preached to K. Charles at St. Iames, 1625. By Iohn: Donne . Deane of Saint Pauls, London.
It adds to the previous three titles a fourth sermon, this one the first sermon Donne preached to Charles I, after his accession to the throne in 1625. This volume, like the first three, was “Printed for Thomas Iones, and are to be sold at his shop in the Strand at the Blacke Rauen neere Saint Clements Church.”

The third reprint of Donne’s Encaenia sermon (STC 7041) bears the title Fiue sermons vpon speciall occasions (Viz.) 1. A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse. 2. To the Honorable the Virginia Company 3. At the consecration of Lincolnes Inne Chappell. 4. The first sermon preached to K. Charles at St. Iames, 1625. 5. A sermon preached to his Maiestie at White-hall, 24. Febr. 1625. By Iohn Donne Deane of Saint Pauls, London.
To the previously gathered four sermons, this one adds a second sermon preached to Charles I. This volume, like the others, was “Printed for Thomas Iones, and are to be sold at his shop in the Strand at the Blacke Rauen neere Saint Clements Church.”