Participants in the Consecration Rite for Trinity Chapel
John Chamberlain, in his letter to Sir Dudley Carleton, says, of the attendance at the Consecration of Trinity Chapel, that “there was great concourse of noblemen and gentlemen wherof two or three were indaungered and taken up dead for the time with the extreme presse and thronging.”
We do not know who these unfortunate folks were, but we do know the names of at least a few of the people who were in attendance.
Clergy of the Diocese of London

George Montaigne, Bishop of London
John Donne, Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral
Thomas Wilson, Chaplain to the Bishop
Thomas Worrall, Chaplain to the Bishop
Henry Martin, Chancellor, Diocese of London
Daniel Price, Chaplain to the Bishop
John Whiting, Chaplain to the Bishop
Leonard Hutton, Chaplain to the Bishop
Members of Lincoln’s Inn
Thomas Spencer — Treasurer, Lincoln’s Inn
Richard Digges — Master of the Bar, Lincoln’s Inn
Egidius Tooker — Master of the Bar, Lincoln’s Inn
William Ravenscroft — Bencher, Lincoln’s Inn
Christopher Brooke — Bencher, Lincoln’s Inn
Members of the Congregation
Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton
Sir James Ley, Chief Justice of the King’s Bench
Sir Henry Hobart, Chief Justice, Court of Common Pleas
Sir Humphrey Winch, Justice, Court of Common Pleas
Sir William Jones, Justice, Court of Common Pleas
Sir Ranulph Crewe, The King’s Serjeant at Law
Sir Thomas Richardson, Serjeant at Law
Leonard Bawtry, Serjeant at Law
Sir William Ayeloffe, Baronet
Sir Francis Vane
Francis Russell, later the fourth Earl of Bedford